Request a free Workshop-in-a-Box for your 4th grade classroom!

The Food Detectives Virtual Field Trip is a standards-aligned nutrition education program that offers 3 hours of fun, interactive, and easy to facilitate lessons for free.

In their journey to become Food Detectives, students follow Chip & Dip and learn to how to see through food marketing, read labels and ingredient lists, and become empowered to make smart choices about the foods they eat.

How does it work?

  • A teacher requests a workshop using the form below
  • We send a free box of supplies and access to our interactive program website
  • The teacher facilitates 3 hours of learning over the course of one week

Who is this experience for?

4th grade classrooms

Who can sign up?

4th grade teachers

How many boxes can I request?

One box per classroom

Can I request boxes for other 4th grade classrooms at my school?

Yes! But a separate form must be submitted for each individual classroom. For example, if you have 4 classrooms that want to participate, please submit 4 separate forms.

What is a ‘Workshop Month’?

To ensure teachers receive their materials at the right time, we ask that you choose a workshop month. You can start the workshop any time within your month. The Virtual Field Trip takes about 3 hours in total and we recommend it be facilitated over the course of a week. As your workshop month approaches, we will send you your workshop kit as well as reminders and tips to help you facilitate your workshop.

Change your mind after you submit? No problem – just email us and let us know, we will be happy to help you out!

Want a taste of the classroom experience?

Workshop Request Form


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